Midrealm Crown Tournament July 2021 and My Upcoming Squiring Ceremony
Today is June 21st, 2021. The last time I attended an SCA event was Candlemas on February 1st, 2020, over a year and a half ago. In April of 2020 I was asked by Duke Cellach MacChormach (Jesse Weber) if I would be his squire. A little over a year has passed and the first SCA event since that will be Crown tournament on July 17th, 2021. Having spent the last 3 years as his man at arms, has been beyond rewarding and I know I'm a better man because of the relationship. Even though I have struggled with anxiety and depression, physical injuries and questioning my own self worth regularly over the past several years, I am excited for the future.
There are many things that have changed for me, I am still out of shape, but my spinal stenosis and overall mobility (while not great) is better than it was a year ago. I've lost 25 pounds and 3 inches in my belly in the past year. Getting back into armor is exciting, but I will be taking it slow, so as not to exasperate any injuries. I'll be taking frequent breaks and attempting to slowly build up stamina. As someone that is still unable to attend the weekly practices in the evening (when they start up again) due to my partner's work schedule, I'll be doing my best at events. I have to remember that I have nothing to prove to anyone else, only to myself. I am excited though, as my armor kit and soft kit have been updated and they both fit better than before. At events I may have to sit down more often than before, especially on cement as it creates more pressure and tension in my back and hip. Even with these adjustments, I'm extremely excited to see my friends and chosen family again. After a year and a half of seclusion in the pandemic it will take some adjustment to re-learn how to socialize (it wasn't my strength prior and will definitely not be great returning).
As a squire, how will things change for me? Honestly, I'm not sure. His Grace, Duke Cellach, is one of the kindest most inclusive people I know. He doesn't ask a lot out of his dependents beyond an adherance to the chivalric virtues, a dedication to service, and a constant attempt to improve upon ourselves. There really aren't many hard or strict rules or requirements of pell work, or expectations to polish his armor or what not. He encourages us (his dependents) to be on the path of self improvement, whether that be spiritual, physical, mental or emotional. He helps us to learn the things we are interested in, be it sewing, embroidery, history, weapon forms, etc. Since beginning down my path at his side, I've learned hand sewing, embroidery, brick stitch, sword and shield work, polearm work, 14th century history and fashion. I have improved my leatherwork, my armor, my sewing, my 14th century research, my painting, and so much more. He has helped me through some major emotional times, and made me feel wanted as a neurodivergent (autistic) individual. It has meant the world to me, and I truly feel like I'm a better person with him as my friend and mentor. Will the red belt mean that people will expect better fights from me...probably, but that is ok. I can guarantee that I have higher hopes and expectations that I place on myself more than any other person will place upon me. Realistically, the only thing that will change moving forward is the fact that he and I will have a more formalized agreement of the mentor/mentee relationship as knight and squire. It solidifies my commitment to him and to myself. Someday, I will be knightly and in turn be lifted up and recognized as a knight in the SCA. The first part is my goal, to be knightly. To exemplify the chivalric virtues and be a better person for it. I know that as I do so, I will become a better employee, friend, and most important a better father to my children. I hope to learn to be more like Duke Cellach, even if it is only a small percentage of what he is like.
I look forward to more time in armor, more hanging out with friends, and more medieval fun. The last year has been hard on everyone and although things may never fully return to the normality of pre-pandemic times, I look forward to at least finding a new normal moving forward. I look forward to the fun and relaxation that I found through the SCA. I can't wait to feel the excitement of armored combat and experience the wonder and awe of seeing people immersed into a medieval world.
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