100 Minutes War 2019 - Midrealm Expeditionary Unit

This year was another great trip to Sparta, NJ for 100 minutes war.  The fine folk from the Midrealm that made this trip are honestly the best part of it.  It is always an opportunity to fight alongside some of the best and most fun fighters in the kingdom (if you qualify as the best and the most fun then you should correct this by coming next year).  

The fighting this year was, well a mixed bag for me.  As opposed to the more open field battle of last year, this year was fought in the woods, heavy with brush, trees, rocks and downed logs.  Footing was often precarious and I did far more marching to and from rez points than I did fighting.  It was, however, a reminder that I'm in better shape than last year, with a long way to still go.  I also learned that even though i wanted to play with my axe/polearm, i need to always bring a sword and shield as some scenarios require different approaches.  

I also realized that the chainmail sleeves and heavy gauntlets were tiring out my arms.  As I say this, I've already removed the chainmail sleeves, removed the extra hardened leather back piece in my gambeson (will be replaced by two abs plates over my kidneys) and have begun search for lighter gauntlets with better mobility (my trinity gauntlets just don't allow for the proper hold on my weapons). My helmet is another item I need to replace as it is too large and far too heavy, giving me a headache if i wear it longer than 15 minutes.  I had to take numerous breaks during the fighting to pop my lid, rest my hip and back and get water in me.  That being said I didn't armor down and fought till the end.  I hope to be in better shape next year so that I can fight the whole battle and then do pickups after.   

The good:  my new leg armor is amazing and really comfortable when walking. I would still prefer some form of arming vest to hold my legs up as the belt and suspender combo did cause some unnecessary tension along my lower back. My updated arm armor worked great as well, allowing me to move unhindered and swing with ease. My new Midrealm pale looked great, and was comfortable.  Best part was the new surcoat that Duke Cellach made for me that I wore to court since I couldn't wear it to fight in (Midrealm Pale instead). 

I'm far from satisfied with my fighting, but have to remind myself I have come a long way from when I first started and was nothing more than a human pell.

Before heading home, we stopped f

or breakfast at the Jefferson Diner in Sparta. Not only is the food always amazing there, but I was smart enough to snag the one and only key lime tart left in the dessert case thanks to my immediate recon of the case upon arrival.  I did have to demonstrate my undying fealty by sharing with His Majesty, Ryo-ô Seto Gesshuko, my knight, Duke Cellach and Duke Edmund (who let's me tag along on these adventures). 

A huge thank you to everyone who attended, to Sir Tanaka of the East for organizing the event and for his hospitality,  and most of all, to my wife and mother-in-law for watching the kids while I was away so that I might attend. 


  1. I love your one step at time and I can do this attitude! You can do this snd what's more important- you enjoy participating!! Have fun and keep learning!


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