SCA Midrealm Candlemas 2023 - New Location, Same Great Tournament

Erlingr, Duke Cellach, & Torstein; Photo by Brooke

Candlemas in the Midrealm has always been a daunting event for me.  Due to the indoor nature of the event, the quantity of excellent fighters that show up, and my sensory issues due to my autism, it can be overwhelming to say the least.  I was especially worried leading up to it this year, as (1) I had invited a friend to attend for their first time, and (2) it was at a new unfamiliar to me location.  Luckily, although it was just as echoey, I was able to make it most of the day before heading outside for pickups, and my friend had an excellent time (and they were able to take some great photos even with the lack of good lighting). Anyways, on to my after action report:

Torstein photo by BrookeTorstein photo by Brooke

Upon arrival to the tournament, I set down roots along the perimeter of the list field and began to get into my armor. For this tournament I brought my lighter armor kit, which consists of the basics that I always use, but swaps out my bulkier coat of plates for my lightweight padded vest with plastic hex plates in strategic positions.  This combination, while less protective, is also less bulk and much lighter make it easier for me to move in.  

Torstein Photo by Brooke

Once I'd finished armoring up, getting signed in and inspected, it was nearly time for the tournament to begin.  This year the decision was made that the first pool of fights, no one was eliminated, which I really liked.  It helped get me into the mindset and eliminated some of my worry.  It also meant that I was going to at least have 12 fights in the tourney before even worrying about elimination (as opposed to only 6 in years past). 

Torstein photo by BrookeTorstein photo by Brooke

This year was no different than years past, in the overall quality of the fighters that showed up to participate.  My first pool of 6 fights and I was able to win 2/6 fights, but for me, the best part was, that not a single one of my fights was over in a single shot.  I came out and felt competent, my defense was solid, I was able to apply some pressure (need to apply more in the future) and I made my opponents put in some work.  My second pool of fights, I only won 1/6 fights, but again, I was happy with how hard I fought. 

Torstein photo by BrookeTorstein photo by Brooke

My favorite fight of the day was against Duchess Vukasin.  Her fighting style using the strapped almond shield with a mace is extremely unique, and akin to what I imagine pissing off a honey badger would be like.  From the moment lay on is called, she moves swiftly into a shield to shield press with you, and between blows from the mace, and her pressure on your shield, she fights to get you into a position that opens you up.  All the way, you are defending, trying to work an opening yourself.  

Duchess Vukasin booping Torstein's nose; photo by Brooke

While doing so, I felt confident as my sword blade was on the head of her mace which had just peaked around my shield...then I saw her smile and remembered her mace has a butt spike which promptly poked me in the helmet grill.  It was a feral, intense fight, and even though she is physically smaller than me, her strength is intense, she worked the angles, changed positions via footwork, and just contained my offense while smothering my defense until she had the most perfect opening and ended me.  I watched her fights all day and cannot express how impressive her fighting has become in the past two to three years. As the Lady of my household, it was a great experience to fight her (I don't get that opportunity as often as I'd like) and overall just an honor.  

Duchess Vukasin and Torstein photo by Brooke

Another fight that was interesting to me, was my fight against Sir Lionel.  He is an excellent fighter, and while I was doing well against defending, I couldn't seem to get a shot past his defense. Then he struck out at the left side of my helmet, and I was able to just barely get my shield up to pick up his sword.  Even with my shield edge picking up his sword, he struck my helmet.  I called good and he paused and asked me if I was sure about it, as I had caught his strike with the edge of my shield.  I then informed him that his shot blew through my shield and still struck with sufficient force to be deemed a good strike. After that fight, I had several people come up to me and congratulate me on such a good call, saying that many would have argued that it was blocked by the shield.  I accepted the compliments and moved on, but later thinking on it, I was struck by those words.  On the field the one thing I always have is my honor, and I can't imagine declining a well thrown shot of proper and sufficient force due to a technicality.  If a shot is clean enough or of sufficient force, I want to take it.  I want my opponent to know the respect I have for their ability and hopefully, they feel the same about me. This is a game and a fun one at that, but it is based in honor, and if your only goal is to win, and you cast honor aside in pursuit of that, you should really rethink your priorities. 

Erlingr Photo by Brooke

After I finished my fights in the tourney and had a moment to rest, I went outside and fought a handful of pick up fights.  It was great to fight Erlingr (my soon to be squire brother, SP?) and Caddus (SP?) my squire twin (he and I were squired to our knights at the same time, a moment that I will never forget).  I love seeing my friends progression and am proud to fight against/alongside these fine fighters any day.  

Torstein and Brooke photo by Cellach

As the day progressed, I got the opportunity to see my friend, Brooke, who took so many great pictures for the day, go up in court and receive their newcomer's mug.  While I'm not sure if the SCA is something they will continue to do on their own (they travel a lot for work), I think they had a good time and I know I had a great day spending time with them. 

Duke Cellach Photo by Brooke

The day finished off with an amazing dinner at a local Mexican food place, with laughter shared with friends around the table.  I'm always reminded how much I love the SCA as the people I've surrounded myself with always seem to make me feel comfortable and at home.  Another great Candlemas in the books, and I look forward to what this next year brings as I continue to work on my prowess and skill. 


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